•    •  Villa Del Grumello

villa del grumello

the perfect mix of classicism and modernity

The perfect mix of classicism and modernity.
This elegant Villa which was totally refurbished offers great flexibility and is the perfect fit for any type of events.
Total white walls, precious ancient wooden floors, elegant and sophisticated drawings on the ceilings result in a mix of old age and modernity.
You can also appreciate some design touches around and simply admire the grand staircase that seems to let you directly jump into the Lake.
A nice walk around the park will reveal some jewels: the glass and iron green-house with its small leaves climbing on the walls and a statue of Ugo Foscolo to remind us that he composed some of his most famous lines during his liaison with the daughter of the Villa’s ancient owner.
Villa del Grumello is a perfect neutral elegant box, that can satisfy any type of inspirations!

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